PRESS RELEASE – 9th June 2022.

Men’s Aid launches Ireland’s First LGBT+ Domestic Violence Initiative
On Thursday the 9th of June 2022 at 11am, Roderic O’Gorman, Minister of State for Children, Equality, Disability, Inclusion and Youth will launch the Men’s Aid Ireland LGBT+ Domestic Violence Training Programme at Regent House, Trinity College Dublin. This new initiative is the first of its kind in Ireland.
Minister O’ Gorman said “The project and service being launched today will be of vital importance in supporting LGBTI+ people in Ireland who are affected by domestic violence”.
International research suggests there is a unique context of intimate partner violence in male-male relationships which points to the need for tailored prevention and intervention efforts for the specific realities of same sex relationships.
Having experienced a significant increase in engagement from men in same sex intimate partner relationships to both its helpline and court support services, Men’s Aid Ireland, which is the only dedicated national service supporting men and their families experiencing Domestic Violence including coercive control in Ireland applied for funding to the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Inclusion and Youth for an LGBT+ educational role in order to respond to this emerging need.
Since joining Men’s Aid Ireland in April 2022 as the new LGBT+ Education Officer Derek Byrne has undertaken extensive consultation with LGBT+ services as well as Irish and international researchers in the field of domestic violence and coercive control in an LGBT+ context. Following this consultation process a pilot training programme has been designed which will be rolled out in two phases.
Phase one of the LGBT+ training programme will focus on identifying the factors of domestic violence and coercive control in a same sex intimate partner context and how to get support.
The second phase will focus on more general issues affecting the LGBT+ community in relation to HIV infection and the fast-growing chem sex scene.
CEO of Men’s Aid Kathrina Bentley said “We thank the Minister and his department for funding this important new service. It is hoped that this domestic violence initiative will help members of the LGBT+ community to identify the factors of intimate partner violence and coercive control and how to engage with effective preventative measures and supports”.
For further information please contact Kathrina Bentley, CEO of Men’s Aid at