“What is Domestic Abuse?”

“What is Coercive Control?”


Empowering and supporting men and their families experiencing domestic violence, to be safe.

In 2022, there has been a 26% increase in demand on 2021 and a 73% increase in demand on 2020.

2022 Impact

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We are thrilled to receive a donation from @TheIrelandFunds.
A milestone moment!
All donations go towards all the services we provide to men, 18 to 90+ years who need our support, help & information due to domestic abuse by their wife/girlfriend/partner. #Grateful #ThankYou

Monday 22nd July, if you experienced an abusive wife/girlfriend/partner over the weekend, we offer a confidential and safe space to listen and support you.
Our clients are 18 years to 90+ years of age. #NotAlone

Do you have an experience in the family law courts in Ireland? Do you have a view on the privacy (in camera) rule? Complete our 10 min. survey: http://forms.office.com/e/ANkL9pemxK

@LouiseCrowley2 @childlawucc @ConorUCCLaw @LawSocIreland @Womens_Aid @MensAidIreland @Ukilkelly @ChildRightsIRL

Rural Life: stigma stops men seeking domestic abuse support. We hope our interview with
⁦@farmersjournal⁩ encourages men experiencing abuse to come forward for support.
#DomesticViolence #ZeroTolerance
⁦@HMcEntee⁩ ⁦@DeptJusticeIRL⁩

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Latest News

Sexual Violence Survey 2022 – Main Results

May 31, 2023 9

Men’s Aid Launch Annual Report 2021, 14th November 2022

Nov 14, 2022 9

Men’s Aid submission regarding Parental Alienation June 2022

Jul 25, 2022 9

Mid-Year Impact 2022

Jul 14, 2022 9

Men’s Aid Public Consultation Survey

Jul 14, 2022 9

Need to contact Men’s Aid?

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Confidential Support Line

St. Anne’s
Resource Centre,
Railway Street,
Co. Meath

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